Fortress Position: Scout/Engineer
Weapons: RailGun, Concussion Grenade
TeamFortress Levels: Canalzone, The Rock, Well6 Favorite Quake 1 Levels: KNDYBASE, FRAGTWN
Series Favorite Quake 2 Levels: SPACE,
WareHouse 1/2
Real-Life Time Sink:
Quality Assurance Engineer
WeaselBoy's Tips: NEVER
Get Impatient. If you get frustrated, go to the bathroom and splash your face. NEVER
play someone else's game. If you play by their rules, you lose. NEVER use a
control setup you don't like. If you think the keys should be set differently,
change them. You can read
my philosophy on tactics here.
Favorite Wazoo Alias Programming:
// Weasel Q2 Preferred Weapons Binding alias "direct_wep"
"use Shotgun; wait; use Super Shotgun; wait; use Machinegun; wait; use
Chaingun; wait; use HyperBlaster; wait"
bind "q" "direct_wep" alias "boom_wep" "use
Grenade Launcher; wait; use Rocket Launcher; use BFG10K; wait"
bind e "boom_wep"
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